All posts by Vegan Trove

I create regular podcasts and blogs on a number of issues, the main one being abolitionist veganism.

Fear is a Strange Thing

I share this article which you might find interesting.

Who’s Afraid of a Naked Emperor?

For more information:
This Issue is Not Trump, It is Us

Building the Institutions for Revolt | Chris Hedges

Important independent Journalism

The Empire Files with Abby Martin

Chris Hedges, Columnist – Truthdig

TeleSur English

Mint Press News: Independent, non-partisan journalism

Sane Progressive

Black Agenda Report

George Galloway | Facebook

John Pilger

George Ades

Eva Bartlett

The Real News Network: Independent News, Blogs and Editorials

Party for Socialism and Liberation: PSL

Democracy Now!

Cabin Talk


Conversations with Elena Brodskaya & Keith Berger (South Florida Vegan Education Group) Part 1 & 2

Listen to Part 1 here or in the embedded audio above:  Conversations with Elena Brodskaya & Keith Berger
(South Florida Vegan Education Group)

Listen to Part 2 here Conversations with Elena Brodskaya & Keith Berger (South Florida Vegan Education Group)

Here’s part 3, 4 and 5 of follow- on conversations with Keith and Elena

South Florida Vegan Education Group

As usual, please read my disclaimer about external sites, social media sites, individuals, products, etc which may be mentioned in any of VT episodes.


Episode 55 is in four parts




Masochism and Martyrdom: A Glue That Bonds Animal Advocacy Communities

I think the title says it all.


For more information:

Speciesism, Sentience and Rights

“Humane”: What’s in a Word

Animal Cruelty: Who is to Blame?

Are Anti-Cruelty Campaigns Really Effective?

Picking the Low Hanging Fruit: What’s Wrong with Single Issue Campaigns?

Making a Killing with Animal Welfare Reform

A Better World for All of Us

As usual, please read my disclaimer about external links, organisations, individuals, books, products, etc


Some Thoughts on How We Can Improve Our Interactions with Others

Some thoughts on how we can improve our interactions with others, how to reduce our stress and anxiety and to be more open and better communicators.

As I mentioned in the episode here is the Loving Kindness meditation (click here) without the preamble.

For more info:
Meditation for the Love of It | Sally Kempton

FAQs about Meditation

A pdf file Meditation Fundamentals




2017: May It Be Everything You Wish It To Be

I share some thoughts on what we can do as a species to make the lives of our own species and that of others better.  I speak generally about the problems that arise from trying to block issues from our minds, and how we can open ourselves up to ideas and how we can envision and create a better world by questioning what we have been told, how we are living, and the systems we are living within, and by caring about all sentient beings.

For more information:

The Empire Files with Abby Martin

Chris Hedges, Columnist – Truthdig

TeleSur English

Mint Press News: Independent, non-partisan journalism

Sane Progressive

Black Agenda Report

George Galloway | Facebook

John Pilger

George Ades

Eva Bartlett

The Real News Network: Independent News, Blogs and Editorials

Party for Socialism and Liberation: PSL

Democracy Now!

Cabin Talk






The Language of Justice, The Misuse of Compassion

In episode 49, I discuss domestication, and share my personal experiences and I share some thoughts of terms like “compassion” and “Kindness” in relation to vegan education and whether they are appropriate or not. I touch on some other issues and tie them in to one another. I hope you find it interesting.

Thanks for listening.
Till next time.

For more info:
UVE Archives
Turbulence of Dreaming


Belonging, Even When You Don’t Think You Do

I think you will be able to relate to some of the issues discussed 🙂 And of course I include nonhuman animals in this episode.

Starts at 14 minutes Watch here. You can find Debbie Lusignan on Twitter  and Sane Progressive on Facebook




Turning Despair into Action

“Defenceless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.”
September 1, 1939
W. H. Auden (1907 – 1973)

Atomic bomb tests at Maralinga Australia. Australian soldiers can be seen observing. There were indigenous communities who were forceably relocated and those who also suffered radiation poisoning and still to this day have not been compensated.


Please read my disclaimer about external sites, groups, organisations, individuals linked to or mentioned in this episode.

Please go vegan

For more information:


The Coming War on China


200 Aboriginal Maralinga victims denied compensation






And You Didn’t Worry


It’s been a busy Spring, so episodes have been a little infrequent. 🙂 In this episode, I discuss our moral compartmentalisation not only toward nonhuman animals, but also to human animals and that human and nonhuman issues are inextricably entwined.  I give examples.

Apologies for some technical glitches in the audio during this episode.

Thanks for listening. Please subscribe to my podcast. It’s available on iTunes, and please join Vegan Trove on Facebook

For more information:




