Category Archives: Animal movement

Some Thoughts on the So-Called “Animal Rights” Movement

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Welcome to my Vegan Trove podcast Ep 10. In this episode,  I share some thoughts on the current so-called current “animal rights” movement and I share some thoughts by others about the movement. I talk specifically about certain organisations.

Please note when I mentioned human exploitation, I really meant to say human oppression. I probably could have been clearer when explaining the connection between nonhuman animal rights and human rights.

I touch on how nonhuman animals rights and human rights are linked. I emphasise the need for a strong and morally consistent movement that must have veganism as its moral baseline. I think you will find some excerpts of other abolitionists speaking interesting.

Please view the below letter to Whole Foods by the so-called “animal rights” movement congratulating Whole Foods on their “humane” animal products.

1. Wholefoods support lettterHere’s the link to recommended animal ethics books 

Here’s a link to Go Vegan Radio

Please read my disclaimer about links, pages, individuals etc mentioned in my podcast.

Unfortunately a few audio excerpts included in the podcast are lacking in clarity. My apologies.

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Thanks for listening. I look forward to your company again.

Till next time 🙂
