Category Archives: socialism

2017: May It Be Everything You Wish It To Be

I share some thoughts on what we can do as a species to make the lives of our own species and that of others better.  I speak generally about the problems that arise from trying to block issues from our minds, and how we can open ourselves up to ideas and how we can envision and create a better world by questioning what we have been told, how we are living, and the systems we are living within, and by caring about all sentient beings.

For more information:

The Empire Files with Abby Martin

Chris Hedges, Columnist – Truthdig

TeleSur English

Mint Press News: Independent, non-partisan journalism

Sane Progressive

Black Agenda Report

George Galloway | Facebook

John Pilger

George Ades

Eva Bartlett

The Real News Network: Independent News, Blogs and Editorials

Party for Socialism and Liberation: PSL

Democracy Now!

Cabin Talk




