Tag Archives: Thich Nhat Hanh

Shouldn’t Buddhists Embrace Veganism?

Buddhists and Veganism

Of course everyone should embrace veganism. In Episode 20, I ask the question and share some personal experiences with Buddhist organisations. As well I explore the reasons why Buddhists should naturally embrace veganism.

If you’re not vegan, please consider going vegan. It will be one of the best decisions you make in your life and it’s much easier than you think. Here’s a good link to many good vegan resources.

Here are some other resources you might like to check out:

What’s Wrong with Leather?

Why Vegans Don’t Use Silk?

What’s Wrong with Wool?

3 Reasons Not to Eat Honey

What’s wrong with Using Down / Feathers?

What is Pain to a Fish?

What’s wrong with Vegetarianism?

Thanks for listening. Please subscribe to my podcast for future updates and / or join my Facebook page here.  I look forward to your company next time.  🙂
